LJCPA does much of its work through its own and associated subcommittees and boards, as described on the Committees and Boards and Project Review pages. The meetings of these groups are announced via the City’s and LJCPA mailing list and this website. Although they may be posted earlier, agendas are subject to change until 72 hours before the meeting.
Minutes for Trustee and regular Committee and Joint Board meetings are linked below (there may be no minutes linked if the meeting resulted in no action items for Trustees). If meetings are recorded (not all are), then those recordings are available upon request.
Once LJCPA acts on projects, its recommendations are sent to the City, and they are available on the City’s website: https://www.sandiego.gov/planning/community/cpg/recommendations
Looking for 2024 Agendas? See https://lajollacpa.org/2024-agendas-minutes/
Monthly Meetings
- LJCPA: La Jolla Community Planning Association Trustees (usually 1st Thursday of each month)
- DPR: Development Permit Review Committee (2nd and 3rd Tuesdays)
- PRC: La Jolla Shores Permit Review Committee (3rd Thursday)
- PDO: Planned District Ordinance Committee (2nd Monday)
- T&T: La Jolla Traffic & Transportation Board (3rd Tuesday, as of 3/31/23)
(meetings that occur less frequently than monthly are listed below the monthly grid)
Join Our Email List
For Meeting Announcements and Agendas
Occasional and Less-Than-Monthly Meetings
The City offers various workshops relating to the Brown Act, the California Environmental Quality Act, and other applicable laws and regulations. Schedules and descriptions of these are posted on the City Planning Department website.
Earlier agendas are linked from the top menu, and on the San Diego Planning Department’s web page for LJCPA.