Committees & Boards

In order to achieve diversity and equality of representation of the La Jolla community and to meet the objectives of Council Policy 600-24 regarding broad representation of the various geographic sections of the community and diversified community interests, Community Joint Committees and Boards have been formed to assist the LJCPA with detailed review of development applications. If you need an item or project placed on one of the committee agendas, please contact us,, as early as possible as agendas fill up quickly. This is especially important if you are trying to get approvals for a Special Event Permit. Remember that recommendations of the committees are advisory to the LJCPA and need to be ratified by the LJCPA before being sent to the city. To understand how the LJCPA works with its committees and boards see our Project Review Flow Chart.

Meeting venues vary by committee and date (they can include the La Jolla Recreation Center, the Bishop’s School, the Riford Library, or other publicly accessible spaces), and are always listed in meeting agendas when they are posted on the LJCPA website, typically at least 72 hours prior to the meeting.

Development Permit Review Committee (DPR)
(Prior to April 2009 known as the Coastal Development Permit Committee (CDP))
DPR reviews all discretionary permits in La Jolla outside of the La Jolla Shores Planned District. In accordance with its bylaws (which in some cases are superseded by LJCPA’s), DPR reviews projects for conformance to the La Jolla Community Plan, makes findings relative to the City of San Diego Land Development Code and submits its recommendation to the La Jolla Community Planning Association for ratification. Recommendations are then forwarded to the City of San Diego Development Services Department. DPR is comprised of five members each appointed by the La Jolla Community Planning Association and the La Jolla Town Council. Meetings are always open to the public and are held the second and third Tuesday of each month at 4:00 p.m. The draft agenda, including location, is posted at least 72 hours in advance.

Planned District Ordinance Committee (PDO)
PDO reviews development applications within the portions of La Jolla regulated by the La Jolla Planned District Ordinance (PDO). For projects requiring no other discretionary permits (for example, building signs, façade renovations) the recommendations are forwarded to the LJCPA for ratification before submitting to the City of San Diego. For projects requiring discretionary permits (coastal development permits, site development permits, etc.) the recommendations are forwarded to the Development Permit Review Committee (DPR) for their consideration. The Committee’s review is limited to whether or not the application conforms to the PDO. PDO comprises 11 members: 3 appointed by the LJCPA, 3 by the La Jolla Town Council Association, 3 by La Jolla Village Merchants Association, and 2 by Bird Rock Community Council. The Committee meets on the 2nd Monday of every month at 4:00 pm. Meetings are always open to the public. The draft agenda is generally set one (1) week and no later than at least 72 hours prior to the meeting. If the agenda is empty, the meeting will be cancelled. Please contact the chair to reserve your place on the agenda as well as discuss what material the committee will need to review your application. PDO reserves time on the agenda for “information only” discussions which can be useful to applicants and designers not familiar with the Planned District Ordinance.

La Jolla Traffic & Transportation Board (T&T)
T&T considers all proposals affecting La Jolla’s streets (striping, stop signs, traffic calming) and parking (curb colors, time limits, valet). Also hears special events that require traffic control or effect on-street  parking. Recommendations are forwarded to the LJCPA for ratification and then sent to the City of San Diego for implementation. The Board is comprised of two appointed members each from the LJCPA, the La Jolla Town Council, the La Jolla Shores Association, La Jolla Village Merchants Association, and the Bird Rock Community Council. Meetings are always open to the public and are held on the 3rd Tuesday of every month.

La Jolla Shores Permit Review Committee (PRC)
This committee reviews projects within the La Jolla Shores Planned District. Recommendations are forwarded to the LJCPA for ratification and then sent to the City of San Diego. It comprises appointed members from the LJCPA (three) and the La Jolla Shores Association (five). Meetings are always open to the public and are held the 3rd Thursday of each month at 4:00 pm.

PRC is governed by its own Charter and Bylaws, which have been approved by both LJSA and LJCPA.

La Jolla Shores Planned District Advisory Board
This Board is not associated with the LJCPA, but is listed here as a courtesy. This Board is empowered by the La Jolla Shores Planned District Ordinance which provides for a seven (7) member board appointed by the Mayor of San Diego. Its review is separate and parallel to the community review conducted by the La Jolla Community Planning Association and its subcommittee, the La Jolla Shores Permit Review Committee. Meetings are always open to the public and are held on the 3rd Wednesday of the month. Applicants should speak with their city project manager to get on this Board’s Agenda.