LJCPA Trustee & Committee Meetings

LJCPA does much of its work through its own and associated subcommittees and boards, as described on the Committees and Boards page. All LJCPA Trustee, Committee, and Joint Board meetings are in-person meetings and are open to public attendance and participation.

The meetings of these groups generally are listed on the LJCPA calendar. Agendas of the LJCPA and associated entities are posted on our website, generally 3+ days before the meeting. Online LJCPA agendas may be updated and reposted up to the 72-hour deadline before the meeting.

Agendas also are distributed via the LJCPA mailing list, and are available via the annual meeting page links below.

In general, LJCPA does not officially record its meetings. When recordings are made (as was the case during the COVID pandemic), video recordings are retained and are available upon request for six months after the meeting; audio recordings, if separate, are retained for two years.

Individuals attending a meeting may record the meeting if they wish, but they must not disrupt the meeting to do so.