LJCPA 10/1/2020 Materials & Comments

The LJCPA Trustee meeting videoconference goes live at 5:30pm, so that participants can make sure their video and/or audio are working. The Chair calls the meeting to order at 6pm. Registration is necessary to attend the meeting: please visit https://lajollacpa.org/ljcpa-online-meeting-instructions/ for instructions.

This page contains links to the agenda for the meeting and materials applicants, their representatives, and interested parties submitted in connection with action items. There are no materials (beyond committee minutes) for Consent Agenda items.

If you have comments on these or other agenda items, you may submit them using the form at the foot of this page (following the list of recent comments).

Meeting Agenda

Trustee Minutes (Draft)


Committee Minutes

Consent Agenda (unless pulled)

  • 6375 Avenida Cresta/6360 Via Maria (667263, Hicks/Duke), see DPR 9/8/2020 (note this item will only be on Consent if Trustees approve the amended Agenda.)
  • 8433 Prestwick Dr (662163, Perez/Golba), see PRC 9/21/2020
  • Request for Road Lumps on 2400-2500 Blocks of Azure Coast Dr, see T&T 9/16/2020

Project Action Items

8405 Paseo del Ocaso (560839, Hicks/Duke)

(Process 3) Coastal Development Permit and Site Development Permit to demolish an existing single dwelling and construct a 4,430 sq-ft two story single to tie into an existing garage located at 8405 Paseo De Ocaso. The 0.12-acre site is in the Coastal Overlay Zone (NonAppealable) in the SF zone(s) of the La Jolla Shores Planned District of the La Jolla Community Plan area. Council District 1.

PRC: findings CANNOT be made, bulk and scale, passes 5-2-1

Applicant Materials

Opponent Materials

Non-Project Action Items

Capital Projects

Code Compliance

Other Items

Review or Submit Comments

If you submit comments below, please identify the agenda item to which they relate. Once the moderator approves them, comments will be displayed publicly, including the name you provide.

Please be as brief as possible. At a regular meeting, comments would be limited to 2 spoken minutes; that translates to between 200 and 300 written words. Please do not include URLs or links, since they may cause your comment to be flagged as spam. At her or his sole discretion, LJCPA’s moderator will reject comments that are unrelated to agenda items, or that are offensive, ad hominem, or otherwise inappropriate to reasoned discussion of the matters at hand.

Submitted Comments