LJCPA needs donations to fund its operations, since the City provides only modest support. LJCPA does not employ staff, pay for travel, make purchases not associated with meetings, or compensate its Trustees. Most of its expenses therefore are associated with meetings and other logistical activities.
Donations currently can be made by check made payable to “La Jolla Community Planning Association” and mailed to
LJCPA Treasurer
PO Box 889
La Jolla CA 92038
Please be sure to include your full name, your email address, your residential or business address, and a phone number with your contribution so that the Treasurer may acknowledge it. We expect shortly to be able to accept contributions online via credit or debit card. When that becomes possible a form will appear on this web page.
Note please that LJCPA cannot accept contributions from any individual, architectural firm, contractor, or other entity with a project listed as an “action item” on an upcoming Trustee or committee agenda.
The LJCPA is a nonprofit volunteer organization incorporated in California and governed by the provisions and requirements of the City of San Diego Council Policy 600-24. LJCPA’s sole purpose, as recognized by the City Council and defined in LJCPA’s Bylaws is
“…to make recommendations to the City Council, Planning Commission, City staff and other governmental agencies on land use matters, specifically concerning the preparation of, adoption of, implementation of, or amendment to, the General Plan or a land use plan when a plan relates to the La Jolla Community Plan boundaries. The LJCPA also advises on other land use matters as requested by the City or other governmental agency as detailed in Council Policy 600-24, Article II: Purpose of Community Planning Groups and General Provisions“
LJCPA Bylaws II.1
Under some circumstances, “An entity that is not a political subdivision but that performs an essential government function ... may not be subject to federal income tax, pursuant to Code section 115(1)…. Contributions made to entities whose income is excluded income under section 115 may be tax deductible to contributors.” Please consult your tax advisor to determine whether your contribution is deductible. LJCPA cannot and does not provide tax advice.