As of January 4, 2024, LJCPA’s membership requirements have changed, most importantly to remove attendance requirements for membership and candidacy.
As the Membership & Attendance page states, the La Jolla Community Planning Association welcomes the community to our public meetings and encourages expression and discussion of all viewpoints in our open forums.
You do not need to sign in nor to be a Member to attend and participate in our public meetings.
Membership is required for (a) voting on bylaw or operating procedures amendments, (b) voting in trustee elections, (c) running for a Trustee seat, and/or (d) representing LJCPA on an internal or joint Committee or Board. To become a Member, you must be at least 18 years old, qualify as a La Jolla resident, property owner, or business owner, and wait 28 days after submitting a valid membership application.
Note that this display is a best-efforts assessment of individuals’ status based on initial information provided by those individuals. The Membership Committee may request additional documents or other information to verify an individual’s status, and may then amend an individual’s status based on its review.
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You can review the membership and attendance list below or use the “Search” box to look up a particular Member.
- “Application Date” is the most recent application on file. A ● after the date means an individual’s 28-day waiting period won’t have elapsed in time for the next meeting, so she or he can’t run vote or otherwise exercise Member rights until it elapses.
- “Category” shows Membership category (Resident, Property Owner, Business Owner, Designee). We’re in the process of updating Category for Members who joined before LJCPA moved to an online application in 2021, and those “Pending” individuals may not vote. run, or serve until they update their information.
[gdoc key=”″ style=”width:80%” class=”expire_in:2 compact stripe” datatables_auto_width datatables_buttons=’%5B”excel”%5D’]
(If you have problems with the list embedded on this page,
it’s available in spreadsheet form by clicking the “Excel” button above the list.)