The LJCPA Trustee meeting videoconference goes live at 5:30pm, so that participants can make sure their video and/or audio are working. The Chair calls the meeting to order at 6pm. Registration is necessary to attend the meeting: please visit for instructions.
This page contains links to the agenda for the meeting and materials applicants, their representatives, and interested parties submitted in connection with action items. There are no materials (beyond committee minutes) for Consent Agenda items.
Please note: Many items linked on this page are copyrighted by their creators, and are distributed or reproduced here solely for use by LJCPA and its committees in connection with community review on behalf of the City. Such materials may not be used or distributed further without explicit permission from the copyright holder.
If you have comments on these or other agenda items, please submit them using the “Reply” form at the foot of this page (following the list of recent comments).
1. Call to Order
- Agenda:
- Trustees 3/4 minutes:
- Annual Meeting 3/4:
4. Consent Agenda ACTION ITEM
Committee Minutes
- DPR 3/9:
- DPR 4/16:
Projects (unless pulled)
- Can: 5692 Dolphin Pl (611654, Tuszynski/Austin), see DPR 3/9
- Can: 5550 La Jolla Hermosa Av (681208, Vanorden), see DPR 3/9
- Can: 391 Via del Norte (664916, MacDonald), see DPR 3/16
6. Local Projects
6.1. 6767⅓ Neptune Pl, Windansea Barrier (666879, Neri)
(Process 4) CDP and SDP for a Public-Private partnership to install public improvements along the west side of Neptune Pl. between Westbourne St & Palomar Ave. Improvement to include (gazebo). The 2.75-acre (approximately 1,376 linear feet) site is in the OP-1-1 and RM-3-7 Base Zones and Coastal (App.) Overlay Zone within the La Jolla Community Plan Area and CD1.
DPR: findings CAN be made 6-1-1 (for extensive additional materials from earlier DPR discussion of this project, see
Note that the many public comments on this project are available in the Comments section at the bottom of this web page.
- Presentation:
- Belvedere historical status report:
- Submitted plans:
- Assessment letters & cycle issues:
- Letter:
- Presentation:
6.2 1395 W Muirlands (666376, Dahan)
Combination Building permit for remodel/addition to an existing 1-story single dwelling unit. Work to include interior remodel of existing SDU with addition of a 2nd floor and construction of a new guest quarters. Base zone: RS-1-4/RS-1-5. N-APP-1. Geo Haz 25.
- (not reviewed or approved by LJCPA)
- Stop Work Order:
- Stop Work Order appeal decision:
- Draft letter:
- Baum comment:
- R Oxley comment:
- H Oxley comment:
- Huppert comment:
9. Officer Reports
- President:
- Treasurer:
Review or Submit Comments
If you submit comments below, please identify the agenda item to which they relate. Once the moderator approves them, comments will be displayed publicly, including the name you provide.
Please be as brief as possible. At a regular meeting, comments would be limited to 2 spoken minutes; that translates to between 200 and 300 written words. Please do not include URLs or links, since they may cause your comment to be flagged as spam. At her or his sole discretion, LJCPA’s moderator will reject comments that are unrelated to agenda items, or that are offensive, ad hominem, or otherwise inappropriate to reasoned discussion of the matters at hand.
I strongly urge LJCPA to approve Agenda Item 6.1 – “6767⅓ Neptune Pl, Windansea Barrier (666879, Neri)” at its April 1, 2021 Meeting. As a La Jollan for 50+ years, I greatly appreciate how the Belvederes convey the cultural essence of a “Village vibe” that lives on in our unique Jewel by the Sea. Growing up in the 70’s across from the Belvedere north of Horseshoe on Coast Blvd, my late parents and I often sat in it, where we could enjoy the sights, sounds and smells of the sea. This was especially appreciated as my parents grew older. The Windansea Belvedere is likewise an important part of preserving our Village values and restoring public places for everyone to enjoy the La Jolla experience. Combined with the coastal bluff protections and the private funding, this project is a win-win-win for everyone. And after all, wasn’t the Belvedere replaced at Children’s Pool in the early 1990’s…seems like compelling precedent to me. Thank you.
* This past weekend was beautiful and as such, the beach was packed with people and their garbage. Every weekend it’s spilling over and all over the ground allowing seagull’s to make a larger mess. Perhaps we can use some of the available funds for more garbage cans at the beach as this happens all summer long and its only March!
* Suggestion: In lieu of or in addition to, the proposed Belvedere, I would love to see a natural rock staircase from the path down to the hut. Wide at the top and narrowing at the bottom. This would serve multiple purposes. First and foremost, an easier and safer descent to the hut for all ages instead of slipping and sliding down the dirt. Second, this fulfills the goal of erosion mitigation and finally it would create a beautiful & iconic look for Windansea to highlight the iconic hut. The hut is a focal point, stone stairs similar in rock to the walls around the parking lot would enhance Windansea without any of criticism that the Belvedere currently faces.
* Last, I reported to Dept. of Fish and Wildlife significant tar on March 25th (In the form of tar balls) that were washing up on the beach. Primarily down around the “Big Rock” area and the surrounding rocks were being coated. I and my dog inadvertently stepped in the tar balls. I ended up filling a grocery bag with about 5 pounds of Tar waiting for officials to respond to my call. I am not aware of the origin of the oil/tar but the “Friends of Windansea” should look into this as well as perhaps inspect the beach for more. I’ve heard from other neighbors that they continue to find more albeit by stepping on the tar balls. It’s very hard to clean off your feet and your dogs!
Thank you and I would like to have some feedback/response please.
Jeff Schrakamp – A Windansea resident and homeowner.
I strongly support the proposed plan to replace the Windansea Belvedere and the soil erosion plan. These belvederes are part of the history and culture of La Jolla and should be restored! Were it not for the vandals, it would be standing today providing shade and easy access for the disabled and elderly to Windansea beach.
I strongly support Agenda Item 6.1, 6767⅓ Neptune Pl. and especially the rebuilding of of the belvedere. The belvedere project is long overdue and should be approved. It is important that the Trustees do this.
Preserve Windansea Beach Association opposes the construction of a Belvedere/Gazebo on the sensitive and eroding bluffs of Windansea Beach. Such construction violates the La Jolla Community Plan Policies in regards to Open Space, Visual Resources, Bluff and Shoreline Protection. The Coastal Development Permit and Site Development Permit cannot make findings. We ask that the LJCPA Trustees take the time to walk the bluffs of Windansea to witness firsthand the state fo disrepair of previous installations such as benches, fencing and stairways. There is much to do at Windansea Beach but building a Belvedere on eroding bluffs is not one of them. Please visit our website to learn more Please sign up for our email updates using this link Please sign Stop The Gazebo Petition using this link
I am not in support of replacing the belvedere on a sensitive bluff. I also know that it will attract people using it for reasons not intended and will create a noise issue, a public safety issue, and is clearly a view blocker.
I am in favor of restoring the historic Belvedere at Windansea Beach. This structure is both significant historically and functional today. Please act to restore the Windansea Belvedere!
As a resident of Windansea, I am in full support in rebuilding the historic Belvedere that was taken down by vandals so many years ago. We all applaud this project in keeping the old-time feeling & architecture of Windansea alive and well for our future generations. I can’t wait to sit in a shady place to contemplate, meditate & view our beloved sea.
Yes Please restore the Belvedere at Windansea!
We live in North Pacific Beach & have owned a property there for over 20 years. Although we have close access to the Pacific beach & La Jolla Beach but prefer to go to The Windansea beach to enjoy the natural, unspoiled look & the feel of the beach there. Windansea Beach is known for its Natural, unchanged state. Sadly in the name of progress our beaches are modified from their original, beautiful natural form into something that fits within the frame work of social progress. The proposed construction of Gazebo on the Windansea does not add Beauty , usefulness or practicality of use to the beach but will do completely the opposite. It will Distracting from the BEAUTIFUL Natural Look of the beach, add unnecessary budget demand for its maintenance, attracts the undesired element of dwelling usage by those less unfortunate amongst us. Please preserve the natural beauty of this, thus far unspoiled beach, for the future generation to enjoy. Perhaps they can visit the World famous Windansea Beach in the futures and try to visualize what the beautiful unspoiled beaches around La Jolla coast line once looked like.
Please utilize the funds, if you must, to Repair, Maintain, Enhance other sadly defaced & neglected beaches on our coast lines. God knows they & the visiting public to our beaches need & deserve it.
I am a La Jolla resident and walk from my home in Lower Hermosa to the village of La Jolla along WindanSea beach every morning. There is an element that frequents the WindanSea area, especially at night, and residents are constantly dealing with theft, illegal parking, noise violations, trash, feces and vomit. The San Diego Police do not respond to complaints. This behavior does not just affect the oceanfront homes but all households in that immediate vicinity from the beach up to La Jolla Boulevard.
While a belvedere might seem like a quaint, sentimental idea, it will attract more of the same activity | have referenced above. Why don’t we encourage the City of San Diego to provide more enforcement rather than encourage another site for further misbehavior and abuse? There is so much that could be done just to MAINTAIN improvements made along the coast that are constantly falling into disrepair and oblivion. And there is so much support we should be seeking from law enforcement.
I strongly oppose the building of a Belvedere along WindanSea!
I am strongly in favor of completing the Friends of Windansea master plan, which includes the soil/slope protection and the wonderful Belvedere which is a part of La Jolla and Windansea history and has been missing for far too long!
Dear Board of La Jolla Community Planning, I am writing to protest the Permit that the Applicant has submitted for your approval for the Belvedere Gazebo in its entirety. The reason is this will attract more nuisance behavior, day and night, it will impact the Ocean Front Bluff in a negative way, it will bring additional trash issues. The applicant has not thought out the building specifications thoroughly. Please vote NO. Thank you, Jerry Woods
I am against the proposed construction of the Gazebo for the following reasons:
1. It will be an additional Attractive Nuisance at the south-end of Neptune place, to continue the bad behavior between 11pm and 4am that happens often with loud voices, drinking alcohol, smoking pot, and other activities, this Gazebo will give them shelter for their activities to be elevated. The nostalgia of times gone by, is just that gone by, our society is different now and coping with individuals at night is not what anyone wants to do in our residential neighborhood.
2. The Environmentally sensitive bluff, animals and plants that live on the bluff will be disrupted. Pictures will be shown that night of the Bluff from the Sand. This beach is not the beach area of the Village of La Jolla at Cove or the Cuvier Park that can be leased for events through the City of San Diego, this is a neighborhood of families, no commercial outlets are near this neighborhood and our beach is not leased out for events by the City of San Diego.
3. The original Gazebo was in- place from 1920-1982 approximately 62 years and has been gone from the site for 40 years, there are historical photos if a few individuals can purchase from La Jolla Historical Society, s you can with so many other sites from 1920.
4. The Maintenance of this Gazebo such as, cleaning, trash removal, graffiti, police availability are all items to be answered by the City of San Deigo
5. Who pays for continued reports for the environmentally sensitive bluff testing to make sure the Gazebo is not harming our environment or moving after earthquakes or a strong winter storm, which is not only for the Bluff but for the safety within the Gazebo.
6. There may be more points by the time the meeting is held that I do not have the complete information at this time. Thank you, Kate Woods
I am 12 years old, was born in La Jolla and I love our parks and beaches. I love going to the Belvederes at the Cove and along the coast heading South to Windansea where I have surfed since I was 9 years old. My dad told me how he’d check out the surf and relax at the Belvedere on Neptune between Big Rock and Windansea and I would like to be able to do that with him. Please replace the Belvedere . Thank you.
I am the property owner on Neptune pl for nearly ten years. I voiced my concerns during the public comments of the LJPB Zoom meeting this past Monday, and have been advised that I ought follow up in writing to go on record.
Be aware that I am a community-minded, proud resident of La Jolla, and am generally supportive of ideas and activities that enhance the lives of our neighbors as well as the community environment.
Further, I value, respect and appreciate people who devote their time and energy to the betterment of La Jolla and San Diego.
That said, I am opposed to this Gazebo project for the following reasons:
1. Windansea Beach, Birdrock and the Hut – not to forget the La Jolla Cove – are iconic, nationally known tourist attractions; we simply do not need another. Why? – parking is already a major problem – the area is chronically congested due to cars, motorcycles, bicyclists, dog-walkers, strolling lovers, and beach-side weddings
2. It will become a danger to residents and visitors. One of the charms of the area is that it is one of the only places in San Diego where people can drive (or walk along Neptune Pl) with an unfettered view of the Pacific Ocean; this should be preserved and treasured! More traffic will bring more cars to dodge, more motorcycles that, for reasons unknown, feel the need
to accelerate along the ocean. There are no crosswalks or traffic lights – nor should there be.
3. No businesses will benefit from this gazebo, and few people will even actually use any such structure. People come to the beach for the sun, surf, and activities. Gazebos, for many, are a sentimental tribute to yesteryear – hardly a project for which your progressive organization will want to be remembered, acknowledged, or cursed.
4. It will not enhance property values; in fact, it may very well hurt them. Instead, experience shows that such decisions become costly, high-maintenance white-elephants; distractions rather than attractions or enhancements.
5. There will be an increased liability risk for the City and all involved; physical structures on public property are injury-conducive and tort and civil-suit producers.
I respectfully request and suggest that you shelf this project. Let us and others provide some input into a greater, more community-minded and less risk-laden use of your valuable time, dedication and resources.
I oppose the Belvedere Construction: I live in the Village, and on my morning walks/runs I often see the homeless people waking up in the Gazebos along the Cove. Over the years, I’ve been involved in numerous projects to help the homeless, and I know how wide spread of a problem this has become. If the Belvedere was to be built at Windansea Beach, it will for sure create a shelter for the homeless, and I don’t believe that this is how we should solve the homelessness issues in our community.
The Belvederes along the Cove/Ellen Browning Scripps Park, are located further from any residences or structures, but the one on Neptune Place will be literally across the street from homes.
I would like to encourage all those, who support this project to walk along the existing Belvederes early in the morning or late evenings. Why would anyone wanted to create public nuisance problem?? The resources and funds of the police department should be utilized for other, more urgent matters, as I’m certain their phone lines will be ringing with constant reports of disturbance of peace.
It will attract criminal behavior and criminal activity, affecting the safety of the residents and visitors.
I love the idea of bringing back some of the history, but our lifestyles have changed. They didn’t have the substance abuse in 1920s, like we have now. Our population, the numbers of visitors and number of cars have tremendously increased since 1920s as well.
The erosion factor is also one not to be ignored, and common sense is that any pounding, drilling, or earth movement to install the Belveder/Gazebo, will compromise the integrity of already very sensitive bluff.
I strongly oppose the construction of Windansea Belvedere. I love my walks along the Windansea Beach, and I hope we can preserve it the way it is, so all of us, our visitors and future generations ca enjoy this true jewel.
I hope all those supporting this project, will reconsider, and spend the funds allocated towards Belvedere on much more needed projects, that will enhance everyone’s lives, instead of creating hindrance and dividing our community.
Thank you for your consideration and for all of your time to make our community a better place. Sincerely,
Jana Farella
I strongly disagree with any construction on our sensitive and delicate bluffs and I am worried about adding anything that incorporates an enclosed area hidden from view from the street. These two concerns of safety and environmental impact are quite valid.
First off, I am a native La Jollan who played in that old Belvedere until it was torn down. I walked down sadly to see it after its sudden and terrible removal! My childhood drawing of a blue bird is in the concrete near the area in question. I was born on Camino de da Costa in the 6300 block and live on Winamar Ave right above Big Rock. I have lived here my whole life. I have experienced many changes at our precious beach over these fifty plus years too. In the last few years at night my most alarming concern is from smugglers boats, drug deals and sex trafficking. These are really happening here.
A Gazebo could give shelter to exacerbate this situation. We live in a beautiful bubble. But some time ago that bubble popped for me and I saw with grim reality the terror lurking right here too when my own child was
threatened! I can tell you young girls openly sitting on even the rocks can be a target to predators! My own grown daughter (in her twenties) was stalked and lured away right there too one late afternoon in June just sitting on those rocks. Believe me adding a “shelter” there is like adding fuel to the fire! So for safety reasons I much prefer wide open spaces!
I have environmental concerns too. Our ocean and beaches should be left pristine and be protected. Not jack hammered and retrofitted. We have squirrels, water run off and massive erosion problems. Our bluffs are already at risk of collapsing. To have the natural state dug up and replaced with rebar (toxic rust) and concrete which will deteriorate over time and cost the city more money is concerning! Peeling green paint and microorganisms and sea life blended together seem like a bad idea just a few feet from a high tide. This location is much closer to the waves than those at the Cove. I really think no construction should happen at all in such a delicate habitat. I am very pro environment and a man made construction in today’s age just has no place that close to the sand.
If you want more seating add something natural that blends with the environment. Whoever did the long rock benches at Windansea Beach did a fantastic job:
They add a natural beauty to the space while providing ample seating for everyone to relish our breathtaking sunsets (no paint, splintering wood, rebar or concrete). Why would you block the walkers view of our sunsets from the sidewalk of one of the most famous beaches in the world either? Leave the beautiful horizon un broken!!!
Please committee l humbly ask you to consider a natural open air “Beach Perch” and not a walled off and covered man made structure.
Keep the Cove area cohesive with the Belvederes and add more there if you must. The trees and shrubs already break up the horizon in that location. Windansea and Neptune Street is unique! So yes, please expand the
fabulous beautification of the look already in place at the Windansea parking lot all the way South to the Big Rock area. But keep the great look you already have and keep it wide open for safety!
Have you read the new revenue for San Diego Sex trafficking this past year? We are a boarder town and trafficking is a huge problem now.
READ THIS: during-covid-19/2388917/
This is a REAL THREAT and your actions could provide shelter for this ugliness!
Instead, let’s be “Green” (Natural rocks and native plants are way cool too) but without green paint on the beach. Let’s beautify with elements from nature and create a natural setting for sitting and enjoying the scenery.
Let’s be “Blue” too and keep ruble, rusty rebar and concrete out of our oceans.
Lastly let’s be “transparent” and let there be wide open and safe vistas for all to be enjoyed. With lifeguards, and police full visibility of any and all actions taking place on our beaches, bluffs and sidewalks along the sand.
I close by saying I applaud and value your efforts. I so appreciate all your hard work protecting our communities and keeping them cool looking, clean and safe.
Thank you so much for considering my concerns!
I strongly support the proposed plan to replace the Windansea Belvedere and the soil erosion plan. My wife and I were married on the beach exactly here and looking forward to protecting its history.
I oppose the Belvedere construction: My name is Jennifer Jensen and I have had a condo on Eads Ave for over 30 years and am writing to you in regard to the proposal to erect a gazebo in the Windansea area between Rosemont and Kolmar streets. I am very familiar with that area as having had a business for 8 years in the 5500 block of La Jolla Blvd in the 1990’s.
I am against the proposal for several reasons which I will highlight. The area is very scenic and already has the iconic surf shack and is surrounded by natural beauty and I don’t see the necessity of building an unnatural structure. The cliffs and surrounding ocean area already see a lot of foot traffic and building a structure such as that would only encourage more traffic both automobiles plus people and further erosion of the already unstable cliffs. Any structure would also encourage more crime in the area by encouraging people to sleep overnight and party there. I know from personal experience owning a store that was broken into seven times in eight years that the area is prone to criminal behavior because it is residential and near the beach. Any permanent structure would only encourage and attract more improper(criminal ) behavior such as drug use, loud gatherings and overnight use for camping. The area remains much as it was some 30 years ago and needs to remain the same; beautiful and natural! The ocean and the view should remain untouched.
I am strongly opposed to the Belvedere Construction, proposed by Friends of Windansea, at Windansea Beach. The Belvedere not only violates the La Jolla Community Plan it also violates several San Diego Municipal Codes, it is with reckless disregard and nostalgia for the past that Friends of Windansea want to build such a structure on already decaying bluffs. Although well intentioned Friends of Windansea have not maintained the fencing, ill-placed benches and stairways that they have previously installed. Please take the time to walk the length of Windansea and observe benches poised to fall of the bluffs, rusted and rotted fencing (use of inappropriate materials). For more information please visit
I strongly oppose the Belvedere at Windansea Beach, my name is Bob Schack and I oppose the Gazebo Construction at Windansea Beach Permit in its entirety. I live at on Neptune place. Please do not vote to pass this permit onto the City of San Diego.
I oppose the Belvedere: My name is Gail Schack and I live on Neptune place and I oppose the Gazebo Construction at Windansea Beach Permit in its entirety. Please do not vote to pass this permit onto the City of San Diego. Grateful for your attention to this matter. Gail Schack
I absolutely oppose you building this Gazebo. It’s perplexing that you are not making an effort to fix the uneven street pavement on Neptune. I ride my bike on Neptune every day and there’s been several times where I’ve almost crashed due to the conditions of the road. Please revisit your priorities here. A Gazebo should NOT be on your priority list. Perplexed La Jolla Windansea Resident, Tamra
Very Opposed! I have lived at Windansea since 1972 and am opposed to a gazebo or any shelter being built off of Neptune. The police rarely patrol anymore and public parking in front of driveways and other illegal places is rampant. I called two weeks ago because 3 cars were parked in front of my driveway. The police never showed. The car owners showed up around 6pm. Traffic on the weekends is horrendous, often blocking all roads in to the beach. The noise from numerous boomboxes and car alarms is everywhere. Last night someone was setting off firecrackers in the parking lot. I don’t bother to call because it is a waste of time. Building a shelter will guarantee that more people will never go home. Some stay all night anyway. Drug deals in the parking lot are common. I think a shelter would be very handy for drug users.Have some compassion for those of us who live in this mess. Do not add to the problem. By the way, if you really want to do something for Windansea, get some law enforcement down here. The city could use the revenue.
Thank you, Judy Joseph
I am opposed to the Belvedere at Windansea. I am a La Jolla resident and work in the Village. I love to come down to the beach at Windansea. It is my favorite beach in La Jolla. The thought of putting a gazebo there to me is awful. I don’t think the residents down there would like it and what con (loitering, trash, partying, late night noise, etc.) and I am opposed to anything from the permit to the building of it. According to the plans, it’s not even going to be put in the same area that it was before.
I also think that parking is already a challenge down there and it would become a nightmare not only for surfers and others that want to visit the beach, but also for the residents and people that want to visit them. Not only is it environmentally unfriendly, but also I don’t see any handicap facilities. This is not a good idea.
There are many other gazebos in La Jolla that people can visit. Let’s keep Windansea the way it is.
Thank you,
Diane Cumming
I would like to see the Belvedere replaced as it was originally.
Please approve the Windansea plan and return the Belvedere. As many of us age it’s important to watch our sun exposure. Rebuilding the Belvedere offers everyone a chance to experience the coast. Please support the resurrection of the iconic Belvedere!
I disagree with the Windandsea Belvedere Gazebo construction and the permit in its entirety. PLEASE vote to NOT pass this permit onto the City of San Diego. It needs to be amended by the applicant. Thank you…. Lavrielynn
I oppose the Windansea Belvedere. I am writing to you today to express my opposition to the Belvedere gazebo project. There are numerous reasons why this structure should not be built in this location. The beach and bluff have been eroding for some time and continue to do so. This structure will require a lot of maintenance and cost to our community. With our roads and other infrastructure in bad need of repairs, our small businesses suffering from the pandemic as well as many other problems we are facing it is hard to believe we woulo put money towards this at this moment. It will only attract homeless people, drug dealers and teenagers partying. Not to mention parking issues and bringing more people to Windansea beach which is already overcrowded. Seems to me that this is not the time or the place to invest precious community funds in such a project. We hope that you will reconsider going forward with the building of this gazebo. Thank you.