LJCPA Trustee Meeting 4/1/2021 Materials & Comments

The LJCPA Trustee meeting videoconference goes live at 5:30pm, so that participants can make sure their video and/or audio are working. The Chair calls the meeting to order at 6pm. Registration is necessary to attend the meeting: please visit https://lajollacpa.org/ljcpa-online-meeting-instructions/ for instructions.

This page contains links to the agenda for the meeting and materials applicants, their representatives, and interested parties submitted in connection with action items. There are no materials (beyond committee minutes) for Consent Agenda items.

Please note: Many items linked on this page are copyrighted by their creators, and are distributed or reproduced here solely for use by LJCPA and its committees in connection with community review on behalf of the City. Such materials may not be used or distributed further without explicit permission from the copyright holder.

If you have comments on these or other agenda items, please submit them using the “Reply” form at the foot of this page (following the list of recent comments).

1. Call to Order

4. Consent Agenda ACTION ITEM

Committee Minutes

Projects (unless pulled)

  • Can: 5692 Dolphin Pl (611654, Tuszynski/Austin), see DPR 3/9
  • Can: 5550 La Jolla Hermosa Av (681208, Vanorden), see DPR 3/9
  • Can: 391 Via del Norte (664916, MacDonald), see DPR 3/16

6. Local Projects

6.1. 6767⅓ Neptune Pl, Windansea Barrier (666879, Neri)

(Process 4) CDP and SDP for a Public-Private partnership to install public improvements along the west side of Neptune Pl. between Westbourne St & Palomar Ave. Improvement to include (gazebo). The 2.75-acre (approximately 1,376 linear feet) site is in the OP-1-1 and RM-3-7 Base Zones and Coastal (App.) Overlay Zone within the La Jolla Community Plan Area and CD1.
DPR: findings CAN be made 6-1-1 (for extensive additional materials from earlier DPR discussion of this project, see https://lajollacpa.org/dpr-2-16-21-materials-comments/)

Note that the many public comments on this project are available in the Comments section at the bottom of this web page.



6.2 1395 W Muirlands (666376, Dahan)

Combination Building permit for remodel/addition to an existing 1-story single dwelling unit. Work to include interior remodel of existing SDU with addition of a 2nd floor and construction of a new guest quarters. Base zone: RS-1-4/RS-1-5. N-APP-1. Geo Haz 25.

9. Officer Reports

Review or Submit Comments

If you submit comments below, please identify the agenda item to which they relate. Once the moderator approves them, comments will be displayed publicly, including the name you provide.

Please be as brief as possible. At a regular meeting, comments would be limited to 2 spoken minutes; that translates to between 200 and 300 written words. Please do not include URLs or links, since they may cause your comment to be flagged as spam. At her or his sole discretion, LJCPA’s moderator will reject comments that are unrelated to agenda items, or that are offensive, ad hominem, or otherwise inappropriate to reasoned discussion of the matters at hand.

Submitted Comments

109 thoughts on “LJCPA Trustee Meeting 4/1/2021 Materials & Comments

  1. Greg Jackson Post author

    To submit a comment, use the “Reply” box below. You must provide a name and email address, but only the name will be published.

  2. B & D Dunbar

    Regarding LJCPA 4/1/21 Agenda Item 6.1, 6767⅓ Neptune Pl, Windansea Barrier (666879, Neri):
    Please approve the Windansea Beach Slope Protection and Belvedere Replacement Project. We support the entire project including replacement of the historically significant belvedere, which provided much-needed shade and seating, was vandalized and torn down in October 1982, and was never replaced as promised. We also support the proposed slope protection, restoration and delineation of paths, repairs to beach stairs, and addition of post-and-chain fencing barriers to protect sensitive habitat, slopes, and landscaping and to encourage people to use existing trails.

  3. Eric Young

    My name is Eric Young. I have lived in La Jolla for over 40 years.

    I am strongly in favor of the proposed installation of a belvedere and erosion mitigation barriers at Windansea Beach for two primary reasons—historical significance and accessibility.

    Belvederes have been an essential part of the cultural and historical fabric of La Jolla since the early 20th century. My parents enjoyed them for shade and rest while visiting La Jolla shortly after they were married in the 1950’s. Years later, I used the belvederes by the Cove and the Children’s Pool with friends and family on a regular basis. My children visited and wrote about them in their “Then and Now” projects regarding the history of La Jolla while in elementary school. The proposed belvedere at Windansea will simply be the reinstallation of a belvedere which existed at this site until the early 1980’s.

    The belvedere at this location will also allow shaded access to the ocean experience to a greater number of people, whether they be disabled, elderly or just wary of climbing down the cliffs to the water.

    Arguments against this installation on the basis of environmental factors are misguided and disingenuous. The proposed mitigation barriers—an essential part of this project—will support the integrity of the bluffs above the beach from further erosion. Moreover, the proposed location for the installation of the belvedere is currently a disturbed dirt pad. No plants or animal habitat will be disrupted.

    The project should be approved by the Trustees.

  4. Mary Lynn Hyde

    I strongly support Agenda Item 6.1, 6767⅓ Neptune Pl. and especially the rebuilding of of the belvedere. The belvedere project is long overdue and should be approved. It is important that the Trustees do this. In addition to the practical reasons, a belvedere adds to the scenic beauty of the Windandsea coastline

  5. J Fiasconaro

    I am asking you to approve the WindanSea plan and return the Belvedere. My skin is quite sun-sensitive, and having a shady place to sit at the beach and would make it possible for me to spend more time enjoying the ocean. Having a Belvedere at WindanSea would be a consistent thematic tie-in with the Cove area. It is a distinctive feature of La Jolla beaches that should be celebrated.

  6. John

    The belvederes were an iconic part of La Jolla’s coastline and highlighted our biggest asset. I was disappointed at their disappearance and am excited about the possibility of their return. Let’s do this!

  7. Dr. Jean Spengel

    I am writing to ask that you vote in favor of rebuilding the Windansea belvedere. It is a place where anyone, regardless of age or physical ability, can come and sit and enjoy our California Coastline. The belevederes have been a part of La Jolla for decades and if private donors are willing to pay to rebuild the one at Windansea, it only makes sense to go forward with the plan. Please, vote in favor of the Windansea belevedere.

  8. Anne Gilchrist

    I have been a resident of La Jolla for over 30 years. Sadly, I have seen much of the charm and beauty being slowly chipped away by those who do not seem to understand the essence of this village. This debate about simply replacing the historic belvedere, that was destroyed by a vandal, is one example of the decline of La Jolla. There need not be a debate at all.

    I strongly support replacing the charming belvedere. We need to maintain what is left of any bit of interest and history!

  9. phyllis & stan minick

    We ask you to approve the Windansea plan and return the Belvedere to its historical site. This iconic structure represents the welcome we La Jollans extend to our visitors as well the shelter from sun and rain that protects guests. The historic value is renewal of a long-existing icon — the very symbol of
    our community’s hospitality. Phyllis & Stan Minick

  10. Debbie A Beacham

    To Whom it may Concern

    I fully support re-building the historic Belvedere on the 6600 block of Neptune that was destroyed by vandals many years ago. It has been part of the history of the Windansea area and was enjoyed by the community at large until its unfortunate demise. The replacement with this new Belvedere will be welcomed by an enthusiastic local community as well as by visitors to La Jolla who love to sit and enjoy being in one of the most important and historic view-corridors of La Jolla.
    Thank you for considering its re-construction and replacement.
    Debbie Beacham
    La Jolla Resident

  11. Debra Madden

    Coastal access for all ages and abilities is important in a coastal community such as La Jolla. Shade from a new belvedere or a bench enables coastal access and enjoyment for many in our community who may not be as active as we once were. I strongly encourage you to vote for the replacement belvedere at Windansea Beach.

  12. Stephen/Edda Roberts

    I strongly urge you to consider restoring the belvedere which was located at Windansea beach. These structures are historical icons and are part of La Jolla’s patrimony. As such they should be cared for and restored as needed. Thank you.

  13. Susan McClellan

    La Jollans have spoken! Please support the Belvedere rebuilding and let’s retain the charm of La Jolla.

  14. Tim Bessell

    I want the Belvedere to be restore to it’s original style and location. The removal of this historical structure was an act of vandalism. I have been a resident of La Jolla for the last 62 years. I check the surf every day and i need shade when doing so. This Belvedere will be very much appreciated. Please return it ASAP.

  15. Valerie Armstrong

    I would like to express my support for the Windansea Plan and the replacement of the historic belvedere. We need shade and handicapped access at Windansea Beach. When my late husband was suffering from pancreas cancer, he loved to go to Windansea and watch the surfers. It would have been so wonderful to have a handicap accessible, shaded place to sit. The beautiful, historic belvederes are a unique part of La Jolla and its history and should be preserved! The Windansea belvedere SHOULD be standing today had it not been maliciously vandalized. I cannot believe that it has taken so long to restore this part of La Jolla’s charm and history!

  16. Mike Perreault

    Please approve the Windansea plan and return the Belvedere to its original condition and location. I am 65 and a native Sad Diegan, born at Mercy hospital. My parents would take me to the Shores, the Cove, and Windansea when I was a kid and I remember very clearly the Belvederes. I cannot understand why the one at Windansea has not already been rebuilt. I think the City of La Jolla takes the preservation historical very seriously and don’t let this opportunity get away.

  17. Doug Moranville

    Hello, I am in favor of the day Windansea plan. I am 74 years old and have lived in La Jolla since I was 3 years old. I feel that since there was a structure there that was destroyed it should be restored. Thanks very much!

  18. Steve Rosi

    I strongly support the rebuilding of the Belvedere. In addition to it adding to the aesthetics of the coastline, the belvedere fills a need for shaded seating. Please approve item 6.1.

  19. David White

    I want to voice my strong support for rebuilding the the Windansea Belvedere. As an avid surfer for many years, Windansea is my second home. The Belvedere is an integral piece of the historic fabric of La Jolla. There is even a street that empties into Windansea named Belvedere. The Belvedere provides shade and a collegial meeting place for all ages. Logic would dictate that any environmental concerns are a huge stretch!

  20. Carol s White

    I wish to voice my support of the rebuilding of the Windansea Belvedere! I have lived in San Diego my entire life and know how much this historic structure has been enjoyed and used by generations of people. Thank you in advance for the consideration of restoring this iconic part of La Jolla!

  21. Marsha

    I am asking as a long time resident that you approve the Windansea plan and return the Belvedere to our beloved beach. Historically these structures have provided shade and respite for residents and tourists alike. Please restore the Belvedere, there is no better time!
    Thank you

  22. Michael Merryweather

    I grew up in La Jolla & have witnessed its many changes over the Years.
    La Jolla is, and always has been, “The Jewel”, the Missing Belvadere is a Jewel missing from the Crown.
    Please Restore The Missing Belvadere, to its Place in the Crown!
    Thank You!

  23. Richard Smith

    Please approve agenda item 6.1. The belvedere was part of the fabric of Windansea when I first started hanging out at Windansea in the 1950’S. My wife’s family bought a house on Vista del Mar in the late 1920’s and the belvedere was there then and was enjoyed by both her grandmothers. I hope to see its replacement in time for our grandson to be the 6th generation of the family to use it.

  24. Brian K. Campion

    I would like to add my voice and support to having the Belvedere rebuilt near Windan. It’s environmentally sound and will add so much for the community. My family frequents the beach daily. As a world destination it will also add to our town’s many visitors experience. We can and should do this. It’s a modest project and will have a huge return on all our quality of life in the hood.

  25. Paul Mears

    I strongly support the Windansea Beach Slope Protection and Belvedere Replacement Project. It is long overdue! Used to take my mother and father to the old belvedere to enjoy the view and shade, now I’m in my 70’s and would so like to enjoy the beautiful coast as they did. Please help us all restore what was once a place of beauty. Thank you.

  26. Edward Mracek

    Please approve (LJCPA 4/1/21 Agenda Item 6.1, 6767⅓ Neptune Pl, Windansea Barrier (666879, Neri), the Belvedere has been part of coastal life in La Jolla for decades and this plan will enhance our shoreline experience at WindanSea Beach and provide shade for people sensitive to sun damage and for those who cannot get down to the beach due to physical hardship. As of a Friend of WindanSea, this will only enhance our beach experience and will be a historic restoration for our iconic coastline.

  27. Taylor

    Please restore the old belvedere, it was wonderful at that location. I use the other belvederes whenever I walk the coast, they are so nice to sit in and rest in the shade!
    Please help us regain this lovely belvedere! Please!

  28. Jean-Paul de Kervor

    Please aprove (LJCPA 4/1/21 Agenda Item 6.1, 6767⅓ Neptune Pl, Windansea Barrier (666879, Neri) for all La Jolla s and visitors to enjoy.

  29. Sam Armstrong

    I strongly support the proposed plan to replace the Windansea Belvedere and the soil erosion plan. I have been surfing at Windansea since 1970s and it was a huge disappointment when some people vandalized the belvedere. These belvederes are part of the history and culture of La Jolla and should be restored! Were it not for the vandals, it would be standing today providing shade and easy access for the disabled and elderly to Windansea beach.

Comments are closed.