The LJCPA Trustee meeting videoconference goes live at 5:30pm, so that participants can make sure their video and/or audio are working. The Chair calls the meeting to order at 6pm. Registration is necessary to attend the meeting: please visit for instructions.
This page contains links to the agenda for the meeting and materials applicants, their representatives, and interested parties submitted in connection with action items. There are no materials (beyond committee minutes) for Consent Agenda items.
Please note: Many items linked on this page are copyrighted by their creators, and are distributed or reproduced here solely for use by LJCPA and its committees in connection with community review on behalf of the City. Such materials may not be used or distributed further without explicit permission from the copyright holder.
If you have comments on these or other agenda items, please submit them using the “Reply” form at the foot of this page (following the list of recent comments).
1. Call to Order
- Agenda:
- Trustees 3/4 minutes:
- Annual Meeting 3/4:
4. Consent Agenda ACTION ITEM
Committee Minutes
- DPR 3/9:
- DPR 4/16:
Projects (unless pulled)
- Can: 5692 Dolphin Pl (611654, Tuszynski/Austin), see DPR 3/9
- Can: 5550 La Jolla Hermosa Av (681208, Vanorden), see DPR 3/9
- Can: 391 Via del Norte (664916, MacDonald), see DPR 3/16
6. Local Projects
6.1. 6767⅓ Neptune Pl, Windansea Barrier (666879, Neri)
(Process 4) CDP and SDP for a Public-Private partnership to install public improvements along the west side of Neptune Pl. between Westbourne St & Palomar Ave. Improvement to include (gazebo). The 2.75-acre (approximately 1,376 linear feet) site is in the OP-1-1 and RM-3-7 Base Zones and Coastal (App.) Overlay Zone within the La Jolla Community Plan Area and CD1.
DPR: findings CAN be made 6-1-1 (for extensive additional materials from earlier DPR discussion of this project, see
Note that the many public comments on this project are available in the Comments section at the bottom of this web page.
- Presentation:
- Belvedere historical status report:
- Submitted plans:
- Assessment letters & cycle issues:
- Letter:
- Presentation:
6.2 1395 W Muirlands (666376, Dahan)
Combination Building permit for remodel/addition to an existing 1-story single dwelling unit. Work to include interior remodel of existing SDU with addition of a 2nd floor and construction of a new guest quarters. Base zone: RS-1-4/RS-1-5. N-APP-1. Geo Haz 25.
- (not reviewed or approved by LJCPA)
- Stop Work Order:
- Stop Work Order appeal decision:
- Draft letter:
- Baum comment:
- R Oxley comment:
- H Oxley comment:
- Huppert comment:
9. Officer Reports
- President:
- Treasurer:
Review or Submit Comments
If you submit comments below, please identify the agenda item to which they relate. Once the moderator approves them, comments will be displayed publicly, including the name you provide.
Please be as brief as possible. At a regular meeting, comments would be limited to 2 spoken minutes; that translates to between 200 and 300 written words. Please do not include URLs or links, since they may cause your comment to be flagged as spam. At her or his sole discretion, LJCPA’s moderator will reject comments that are unrelated to agenda items, or that are offensive, ad hominem, or otherwise inappropriate to reasoned discussion of the matters at hand.
I am asking you to approve the Windansea plan and return the Belvedere.
Thank you very much.
From: Ken Hunrichs
Sent: Tuesday, March 30, 2021 3:34 PM
To: La Jolla Community Planning Association
Subject: Please support the reconstruction of the Windansea belvedere
La Jolla Community Planning Association,
I am writing in full support for rebuilding the Windansea belvedere as proposed by the Friends of Windansea. This structure will finally replace a much missed belvedere torn down by vandals in 1982. It was a shame that the original structure was never repaired by the City in a timely manner but now the community has stepped up to return the
belvedere to Windansea.
This historic reconstruction will be a asset to the City and the La Jolla community with minimal impact on the surrounding neighborhood and will provide much needed shelter along the coast. The design reflects
the unifying community architecture found in several other similar structures along the coast in La Jolla.
Please vote to affirm the reconstruction of the Windansea belvedere.
Ken Hunrichs
Save Children’s Pool
I am a Windansea local, born and raised and I support the Belvedere. The Belvedere is part of our community and our surf culture and it needs to be returned to its rightful place!
I am 14, was born and raised in La Jolla and I surf Big Rock and Windansea. I believe the Belvedere should be brought back to life!
I support the Belvedere and believe that it is an important part of our heritage and our community. My husband is a Windansea local and he and I both would love to sit and have coffee in the Belvedere and watch the surf. Our 12 year old daughter, Jackie surfs Big Rock and it would be so wonderful to have a place to sit and watch her.
Dear LJTC, as a former member of the Town Council myself(Parks and Beaches) past President of the WindanSea Surf Club, attended La Jolla schools since Elementary, member of The Friends of WindanSea for over 25 years(the original and TRUE group of volunteers!) AND, yes a homeowner of a house only a few blocks away from this site, I strongly urge restoration at long last of the “whale watch” belvedere to it original site. My grandfather sat there for shade, and I’d like to offer that same benefit to all.
I am strongly against the wind and sea gazebo. The location it is proposed to go on is falling into the sea. This project needs to be stopped.
Please vote yes to approve the Windansea Belvedere project. The previous belvedere existed on this beach for many years and it welcomed visitors by providing shade as they rested to enjoy the view. This project’s purpose is to replace a historic structure and to make other adjacent improvements regarding soil erosion. It is an important project to most members of the community.
Please approve the Windansea plan and return the Belvedere to the public. The Windansea stretch is one of the most magnificent in the U.S. with its unobstructed views of epic surf from the public right of way. Windansea is an example of what La Jolla should have done along its entire coast. The Belvedere was there for the public to use, and its removal and current opposition to its replacement are efforts to block public access. The Windansea beach belongs to the public; not just those who live on that stretch, not just La Jollans, not just San Diegans, but rather anyone who desires to access it. Period.
I strongly endorse the recommendations by the LJCPA in a letter to Elyse Lowe Director of DSD, regarding 1395 W. Muirlands Dr. (666376, Dahan). This builder has violated so many codes that he never should have been issued either a Building Permit, or Pool/Spa Permit. He also violated the “50% Remodel” rules and should never have been granted a Coastal Permit exemption. Mr. Dahan has threatened me and my wife; and has tried to intimidate a number of my neighbors. He did massive excavation and grading at 1395 with no permits; and refused to cease working after being issued Stop Work Orders by city DSD. Unfortunately, the DSD has had to contend with Covid 19, which meant fewer site visits; and they have been understaffed. It is people like Mr. Dahan who took advantage of these conditions to circumvent the code enforcement system.
Just to correct a few comments that have been made more than once.
* This is reconstruction Not new construction.
* This does not NOT in anyway violate our Community Plan, not true, I helped write our Community Plan.
* According to Officer Brandon Broaddus from Northern Devision ” Nothing bad happens in the Belvederes” there is also police report that shows that.
* This is a Public Beach NOT a Private Residential beach.
* This is a slope Not a bluff.
* It is considered Historical because it is over 50 years old and important in history and part of La Jolla’s Historic and social fabric.
* The Historical Society has plans to get all of the 7 Belvederes dedicated Historic.
* The Belvedere IS handicapped accessible.
* Ellen Scripps (our Godmother) was mentioned because she built her house here in 1897, she came from England where this practice was common, to take the sea air in the shade, and probably had a hand in there installation .
* They are part of the fabric of our Coastline we have the ONLY structures for sunbathing in the shade in Southern California.
* It was APPROVED unanimously at Park and Beaches in 2018, it was Approved by DPR 6-1-1, it has support of the Historic Society and Surfrider.
* The city said they would replace the Belvedere if the Town Council supported the replacement when they had the funds the Town Council APPROVED 8 to 18.
* The Belvedere at Children’s Pool that was turndown was later REPLACED in the 90″s by public funds and Parks and Beaches.
* The Lifeguards say the homeless prefer the bushes NOT the Belvederes.
* It is NOT a view blocker it is 55% open.
* The purpose and MO of Friends of Windansea is to MAINTAIN Windansea in its original state, the Belvedere is ORIGINAL to Windansea.
I am in strong support for Agenda Item 6.1, 6767⅓ Neptune Pl. , especially the restoration of the belvedere. It stood there for decades as a valuable resources for the public and is part of La Jolla’s history. La Jolla has other belvederes that are valued and appreciated. Please make this happen!
We support the recommendations in the LJCPA’s letter to Elyse Lowe, Director of DSD, regarding 1395 W. Muirlands Dr. (666376, Dahan). The developer has blatantly disregarded the permitting processes for the work he has undertaken and has attempted to bully the neighbors and DSD staff to fast track his project. It’s time to stop this madness and ensure that the project conforms to the building codes, plan reviews, permits and inspections that the municipal code requires.
I am a resident of Windansea since 1965 and times have changed dramatically. The original Belvedere was appropriate back then but not now. Windansea is experiencing overpopulation and increased crime. When I originally supported the Belvedere I didn’t understand the full scope of the project and how it would impact Windansea along Neptune Place. After carefully reviewing the proposed Belvedere Construction plans at 67671/2 Neptune Place (Permit Application #666879) I am opposed to this construction. I ask that you Vote “No” on this permit application. I respectfully submit this letter of opposition and ask that you remove my original letter of support. Sincerely, Bill Rogers
I really like the Belvedere that was on the bluff near Big Rock
I don’t think that the person who paid someone to tear it down should be allowed to destroy public property.
Please leave our Historic La Jolla intact and have the Belvedere rebuilt
The Belvedere that was lost to vandalism served to enrich La Jolla and added to the unique history and culture of the local community. Please replace the Belvedere.
I strongly support the the recommendations of the LJCPA to revoke any permits issued in the pursuant of construction on this site. The owner/builder has consistently ignored the spirit and intent of the ‘remodel’ allowance code. He has demonstrated an attitude of disregard for the neighbors and neighborhood. It appears that possibly yard requirements have also been violated and grading without permits.
We are neighbors within 300′ of this property. I am an Architect in La Jolla.
Howard Oxley’s Comment was directed at 1395 W. Muirlands Dr [666376, Dahan]
I strongly endorse the recommendations by the LJCPA in a letter to Elyse Lowe Director of DSD, regarding 1395 W. Muirlands Dr. (666376, Dahan).
I am a neighbor across the street. When he first started building i came over to welcome him to the neighborhood and was met with nothing but
angry screaming and telling me he doesn’t want anything to do with his neighbors. From then on i watched as he has broken every rule that he
could break and when i ask – he just says he knows people higher up…