The meeting videoconference will go live at 3:30, and the Chair will call the meeting to order at 4. Registration is necessary to attend the meeting; for instructions please visit
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Below are the agenda for the meeting and links to documents applicants, their reps, speakers, and interested parties have submitted in connection with projects or other items.
Projects & Items for Review
1. 6361 Harley Dr (683214, Wood) FINAL
(Process 2) Coastal Development Permit for demo of an existing 1-story, 3,770 sf single family residence and construction of new 2-story, 6,699 sf single family residence with attached garage over a 1,649 sf basement for a total of 8,348 sf at 6361 Hartley Dr. The project also includes a detached 531 sf Accessory Dwelling Unit, pool and site improvements. The 0.50-acre site is in the RS-1-2 Zone and Coastal (Non-App.) OZ within the La Jolla Community Plan, and Council District 1.
- Presentation (updated)
- Historic clearance:
- Historic report:
- Drawings:
- 1st cycle issues:
- 1st assessment letter:
- 1st submittal report:
2. 7362 Brodiaea Way (680384, Sammon) FINAL
(Process 2 ) Substantial Conformance Review in reference to CDP 1367758 & SDP 1466667.Change in plans consisting of removal of proposed driveway and garage at Encelia Dr. Garage is now proposed as a complete underground structure within the approved building envelope.
- Presentation (updated 4/19/21):
- Plans:
- 1st assessment:
- SDP approval:
- Exhibit A:
3. Cuvier St Vacation (679621, Williams) FINAL
(Process 5) Cuvier Street right-of-way vacation, CDP, and lot-line adjustment located south of Prospect Street, next to the La Jolla Recreational Center (615 Prospect) and The Bishop’s School. The site is located in the LJPD-6 and OP-1-1 Zones, and Coastal (Non-appealable-2) Overlay zone within the La Jolla Community Plan and Council District 1.
- Slides:
- Presentation:
- Parking exhibit:
- 1st assessment:
4. Wall St Pedestrian Plaza
Request for letter of recommendation in support of concept … to make this happen
ASAP as a temporary “proof of concept” for a more permanent installation.
- Draft letter:
- LJVMA letter:
- Puesto CDP 1st assessment letter:
Review or Submit Comments
If you submit comments below, please identify the agenda item to which they relate. Once the moderator approves them, comments will be displayed publicly, including the name you provide.
Please be as brief as possible. At a regular meeting, comments would be limited to 2 spoken minutes; that translates to between 200 and 300 written words. Please do not include URLs or links, since they may cause your comment to be flagged as spam. At her or his sole discretion, LJCPA’s moderator will reject comments that are unrelated to agenda items, or that are offensive, ad hominem, or otherwise inappropriate to reasoned discussion of the matters at hand.
Submitted Comments
Traffic and Transportation Meeting March 21 2023 Comment re Agenda Item 3 Coast Walk Request to Advocate for Study Coast…
Re: Adelante Townhomes. As a resident of Bird Rock I am disheartened to hear that one of the prime commercial…
Hello Diane, Many parties have contacted Commission staff about this property (6110 Camino de la Costa) , yet to date,…
Bishop’s School Expansion Project – Batting Cage at 7552 /4/6 Draper Avenue, La Jolla We respectfully ask that the proposed…
These comments are submitted for consideration with AGENDA ITEM 5, the proposed Herschel Avenue Coastal Development Permit (CDP) application, Project…
DPR April 20th Meeting Agenda Item 3. Brodiaea Way: The information on the Materials page is confusing. Please ask the applicant to clearly show what is the most current project information and what is older, especially with regard to the storm water,/drainage issues and DSD requirements for an amendment due to several sewer issues.
I’m strongly opposed to the Puesto expansion. A number of nearby restaurants have expanded on street parking. When there are new tenants next to Puesto, they will want parking. The Anthenium and sports club are opening and parking is critical. Restrictions are loosening and restaurants won’t need the on street space, but increased visitors will nee parking. Please oppose Puestos request.
As a resident of La Jolla, I would like to express my strong opinion about the “Plaza Park” that is proposed as an extension to Puesto.
The slash in parking spaces on Wall between the gym and Puesto is a big problem. The committee member’s response about “people who think they deserve to park in front of their favorite store” and comparing the Village to “other cities” is off base. We live here because it is not a city, it is a village and it offers the conveniences of a village.
Secondly, rather than adding to the mass of commercial spaces we should be brainstorming how to creatively make use of all the abandoned storefronts that sit empty and depressed looking.
This is not the time for more. We already have an abandoned plaza that sits empty at the corner of Wall and Girard. Smarter to repurpose what is here than to add more concepts and structures to the village.
Lastly, a wooden deck does not a park make.
Debra Duford
In regard to the Cuvier Street project, I strongly recommend a fence and significant trees/bushes at the perimeter of the grass area facing Prospect Street for several reasons. Among them; safety, security, noise abatement, etc.
Item 2. Brodiaea: Thank you to Island Arch. for the revised (information on Materials Page dated 4/19/2021) materials. The line-of-site page is especially helpful, but my concerns regarding View from Public (sandy beach along Kellogg Park and Scripps Pier) still exist. In addition, the storm water retention issue is not resolved; it appears the new proposed driveway will consume at least half of the area and the newly proposed retention area will not only be smaller by half, but will also be located upslope from most of the property when compared to what was originally proposed for the concrete basin storm water retention area (“pond” or “bio-filtration area”). This property is in a sensitive location and warrants special care for both view and storm water.
Anyone who has travelled in the old cities of Europe know that the charm often comes from the cafe tables and chairs that spill onto the streets. Little Italy closed off one of their side streets with much success.
Our attention in San Diego and La Jolla often focuses on the car and less on the atmosphere that can be created by sacrificing a few parking spots. It is preferable to sit outside without exhaust blowing in our faces while dining and sharing a cup of coffee with friends,
The weather of Southern California is perfect to dine outside year round. It seems that the pandemic was needed to get a serious conversation going about this subject.
I am a La Jolla Village resident and have thought that La Jolla could benefit from closing off certain streets for pedestrian traffic only.
The Wall St. block that the restaurant Puesto resides would be a perfect small street to close off from automobile traffic. I also think that La Jolla Shores would benefit from closing off the block with the majority of restaurants on Avenida de la Playa.
La Jolla is a walkable town and this would encourage more strolling and make the Village and the Shores much more attractive as destinations.