LJCPA Trustee Meeting 2/2/2023 Materials & Comments

Missing or incomplete items flagged in yellow

The videoconference for the LJCPA meeting goes live around 5:30 pm, so that participants can make sure their video and/or audio are working. The Chair calls the meeting to order at 6pm. Registration is necessary to attend the meeting: please visit https://lajollacpa.org/ljcpa-online-meeting-instructions/ for instructions. If you prefer not to identify yourself, please write to info@lajollacpa.org for instructions how to attend anonymously by phone.

This page contains links to the agenda for the meeting and materials applicants, their representatives, and interested parties submitted in connection with action items. There are no materials (beyond committee minutes) for Consent Agenda items.

Please note: Many items linked on this page are copyrighted by their creators. They are made available here solely for viewing and use by LJCPA, its committees, and meeting attendees during community review on behalf of the City. Such materials may not be saved, used, viewed, or distributed further without explicit permission from the copyright holder (typically the applicant).

If you have comments on these or other agenda items, please submit them using the “Reply” form at the foot of this page (following the list of recent comments).


  • https://lajollacpa.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/02/trustee-agenda-2feb23-b.pdf


Candidate Bios

Projects & Action Items

  • La Jolla Concours d’ Elegance (McFarlane) T&T 1/18: APPROVE, 8-0-0
  • Michael D. Brooks Memorial Bench (Neri) T&T 1/18: APPROVE, 8-0-0

Project Reviews

5575 La Jolla Blvd “Adelante Townhomes” (1073585, Wynn)

(Process 4) Coastal Development Permit and Tentative Map for the demolition of an existing office building, subdivision of one lot into 13 condominium units, and construction of one new two-story multi-family residential building with a basement level, covered parking, and roof decks totaling 21,485 square feet located at 5575 La Jolla Boulevard. The 0.30-acre site is in the La Jolla Planned District-4 Zone (LJPD-4) and Coastal Overlay Zone (Non-Appealable 2) within the La Jolla Community Plan area. This development is within the Coastal Overlay zone

Policy Discussions

Coast Vendor Ordinance

Review or Submit Comments

If you submit comments below, please identify the agenda item to which they relate. Once the moderator approves them, comments will be displayed publicly, including the name you provide.

Please be as brief as possible. At a regular meeting, comments would be limited to 2 spoken minutes; that translates to between 200 and 300 written words. Please do not include URLs or links, since they may cause your comment to be flagged as spam. At her or his sole discretion, LJCPA’s moderator will reject comments that are unrelated to agenda items, or that are offensive, ad hominem, or otherwise inappropriate to reasoned discussion of the matters at hand.

Submitted Comments

2 thoughts on “LJCPA Trustee Meeting 2/2/2023 Materials & Comments

  1. Trent Wagenseller

    Re: Adelante Townhomes. As a resident of Bird Rock I am disheartened to hear that one of the prime commercial corners in Bird Rock is proposed to deviate from the established PDO Zone requirements to include retail or service oriented businesses. The “spot zoning” requested by this development break the PDO and has no precedence in the core of Birdrock. The argument of excess retail/service space and the attachments to the presentation package of the current retail vacancy is misleading at best, overdramatizing and not getting the back story on many of the ownership entities that either have plans to reopen like the “All About Animals” space or “Station Sushi” that is in rehab now. Some space can be considered obsolete with disinterested owners unwilling to improve; they lose money, that is too bad.
    There should not be any correlation to the project being reviewed. New properly designed retail and service space will lease quickly as the “Pedego” and “Be Seen” proved. Modern attractive retail/service space will encourage walkability and commerce. It will also encourage current owners to see the value in improving their assets. Envision a highly used corner and tenant similar to Starbucks or Pedego. Those developments played within the current rules, Adelante should also.

  2. Kathleen Neil

    Traffic and Transportation Meeting March 21 2023 Comment re Agenda Item 3 Coast Walk Request to Advocate for Study

    Coast Walk has become much better known throughout San Diego and the country since the publicity surrounding improvement to the conditions of the trail. I support Brenda Fake in this and her efforts are much appreciated. Along with the improvements have come increased visitors accessing the trail by driving onto Coast Walk from Torrey Pines Road, adding to the already congested traffic situation due to weekly City of San Diego trash collection and normal access activity. Residents have necessarily found the need to park vehicles on Coast Walk also. Many Mondays I have witnessed trash collection trucks blocking two lanes of traffic on Torrey Pines Road as the truck attempts to back into Coast Walk from Torrey Pines Road. As is often the case, vehicles are parked along Coast Walk making this extremely difficult. As undesirable as it is for trash collection vehicles to block Torrey Pines Road, looking at the narrowness and lack of turn-around on Coast Walk, it becomes clear why trash collection trucks need to do this. Narrow roads such as this exist throughout La Jolla, but fortunately not often configured in this way on such a highly used access to the Village. As the City institutes additional collection routes to accommodate the State’s composting requirements, the volume of truck traffic will increase. Note that often other narrow roads such as this are private and therefore City of San Diego trash collection vehicles would not be collecting there. Due to the high volume of traffic and the unique dynamic at the intersection of Coast Walk and Torrey Pines Road, this situation warrants the attention that a study would give it. For that reason, I support a Study of Coast Walk. Thank you, Kathleen Neil

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