The videoconference for the LJCPA meeting goes live around 5:30 pm, so that participants can make sure their video and/or audio are working. The Chair calls the meeting to order at 6pm. Registration is necessary to attend the meeting: please visit for instructions. If you prefer not to identify yourself, please write to for instructions how to attend anonymously by phone.
This page contains links to the agenda for the meeting and materials applicants, their representatives, and interested parties submitted in connection with action items. There are no materials (beyond committee minutes) for Consent Agenda items.
Please note: Many items linked on this page are copyrighted by their creators. They are distributed or reproduced here solely for use by LJCPA and its committees in connection with community review on behalf of the City. Such materials may not be used or distributed further without explicit permission from the copyright holder.
If you have comments on these or other agenda items, please submit them using the “Reply” form at the foot of this page (following the list of recent comments).
- PRC 2/18/20:
- PRC 6/15/20:
- Trustees 7/2/20:
- PRC 2/15/21:
- Trustees 3/4/21:
- DPR 6/21:
- DPR 7/19:
- PRC 8/15:
- T&T 8/17:
- PRC 8/29: (possibly forthcoming)
Projects & Action Items
Consent Agenda (unless pulled)
- 2065/2075 Soledad “La Jolla Storm Drain System Upstream Controls” (1049930, Dulaney) PRC 8/15: APPROVE 6-0-1
- La Jolla Art & Wine Festival (Ahern/Dahlberg) T&T 8/17: APPROVE 9-0-0
- (pulled)
Street Closures for Special Event Processions (Earley) T&T 8/17: APPROVE 9-0-0
7310/7312 Fay Av (673278, Golba)
(Process 3) CDP, SDP, and TM for a small lot subdivision, the demolition of an existing dwelling unit and the construction of two new single-family residences on separate lots with a detached garage on each lot, totaling 5,254 square-foot, located at 7310/7312 Fay Avenue. The 0.16-acre site is located in the RM-1-1 Zone.
DPR 6/21: findings CAN be made, 5-0-1
Trustees 8/4: tabled
- Updated plans including fence design:
- Assessment/Cycle:
- Permit conditions:
- Historic clearance:
- Original plans:
- Original presentation:
5386 Calumet (696586, Freeman)
(Process 3) Coastal Development Permit and Site Development Permit for stabilization of coastal bluff with a 25-foot wide erodible concrete fill at residence located at 5386 Calumet Avenue. The 0.16-acre site is in the RS-1-7 Zone, Coastal Overlay (Appealable), Coastal Height Limit, and Sensitive Coastal Bluff Zones within the La Jolla Community Plan area and Council District 1.
DPR 7/19: findings CAN be made, 6-0-1
- Updated presentation:
- Drainage study:
- Submitted plans:
- Assessment letter:
- Issues report:
- CCC comments:
- Photo simulation:
- Geotechnical report:
- Archaeological report:
7595 Hillside (522708, Gonzales)
(Process 3) Site Development Permit and Coastal Development Permit to demolish an existing dwelling and construct a 7,091 sq ft 2-story over basement dwelling located at 7595 Hillside Dr. The 0.797-acre site is in the single family (SF) zone of the La Jolla Shores Planned District, Coastal (Non-appealable) overlay zone within the La Jolla Community Plan Area. CD 1.
PRC 2/18/20: Findings CAN be made, 3-0-2 (subject to driveway variance)
PRC 6/15/20: findings CANNOT be made, 6-0-1 (too many unresolved issues)
Trustees 7/2/2020: NO ACTION, 12-2-1 (remand to PRC)
PRC 2/15/21: Findings CAN be made 5-1-1
Trustees 3/14/21: Findings CAN be made 15-0-0 (Consent)
PRC 8/29/22: Findings CANNOT be made 5-0-1 (height that exceeds the allowable limit and the Committee’s concern that the attached traffic plan is insufficient for the scope of the project)
- Plans as of 8/16/22:
- Plans revised 8/2/22 (from HO report):
- Hearing Officer report:
Policy Discussions
CIP Priorities (Emerson/Evans/Kane/Newsam)
- List:
- Cover letter:
Special Event Street Closures
- Proposed guidelines:
CCC Review of Vendor Ordinance
- Draft letter:
Review or Submit Comments
If you submit comments below, please identify the agenda item to which they relate. Once the moderator approves them, comments will be displayed publicly, including the name you provide.
Please be as brief as possible. At a regular meeting, comments would be limited to 2 spoken minutes; that translates to between 200 and 300 written words. Please do not include URLs or links, since they may cause your comment to be flagged as spam. At her or his sole discretion, LJCPA’s moderator will reject comments that are unrelated to agenda items, or that are offensive, ad hominem, or otherwise inappropriate to reasoned discussion of the matters at hand.
PRC Special Meeting 8-29-2022
Agenda Item 7 – K-4 RESIDENCE, 7595 Hillside Drive
Please see the letter regarding (1) Exceeding the Overall Structure Height, (2) Proposed Construction in the Right-of-Way and on the adjacent property, (3) Public Safety Issues re: FIRE LANE blockage on Hillside Drive; posted at
LJCPA Trustee Meeting: Item No. 7 – 7595 Hillside (522708, Gonzales)
Please read the letter regarding (1) Exceeding the Overall Structure Height, (2) Proposed Construction in the Right-of-Way and on the adjacent property, (3) Public Safety Issues re: FIRE LANE blockage on Hillside Drive; posted at:
Re: 7310/7312 Fay Av (673278, Golba) – Approved Fence Design
From: Jose Luis Izabal
Subject: Re: 7310 Fay | Fence Agreement
Date: August 29, 2022 at 11:02:33 AM PDT
To: Michael Maher, Bernardo Ascencio
Cc: Lisa Maher, Tim Golba, Craig Gagliardi
Hi Michael,
Thank you so much for your support. On behalf of Archbel, I agree to the items you list:
1) The property boundary retaining wall and fence will be build entirely on the 7310-7312 Fay Avenue property and it will not encroach onto our property (7318-7320 Fay Ave.)
2) Archbel will be responsible for removing the existing wall and footing. Care should be taken to not damage the driveway, walkway and the existing vine plant.
3) The retaining wall will create approximately 6 inches of open space between the wall and the existing driveway and walkway. We are asking Archbel to install a French drain or other appropriate means in this space to help prevent the effect of water running down the slope from undercutting the retaining wall.
3) The attached Archbel rendering and design sketches (masonry pattern, sold and lattice portions of the fence) are approved by both property owners. Of note, the total height of the retaining wall and fence should not exceed 10 feet 6 inches as measured from the 7318-7320 Fay side of the wall and fence.
4) Archbel will be responsible for the total cost of materials and labor associated with the construction of the retaining wall and fence.
5) To facilitate the construction of the wall and fence, Archbel workers can have access to 7318-7320 Fay property. During the construction phase of the wall and fence, Archbel agrees to release the 7318-7320 property owners from all legal responsibilities and liability claims.
Kind regards,
Jose Luis Izabal
Operations/Project Manager
Archbel Builders
UCSD Planning Report Agenda Item re 7071 Via Capri Coastal Permit Waiver;!!Mih3wA!Bnea_VBmvhICVTuwkrorkudBZEJZebI1VTT26QcVHL6WVnKWxofDeBFjc6TcWFGZmRfd-kiPECQ$
Waiver: 6-22-0576-W
Applicant: University of California, San Diego (c/o Robert Clossin)
Location: 7071 Via Capri, La Jolla, San Diego (San Diego County) (APN: 352-310-
Questions regarding this project:
(1) Please show the exact location of the “bunkers” and the plan for removing the above-ground buildings (which may be poured concrete integrated with the pad – thus if located above a bunker that has the potential to disturb the subterranean structures).
(2) Please explain the temporary fencing’s design (chain-link?) and if the temporary fencing will remain in place for the full project timeline or if the fencing is for the demo period only.
(3) Please address if this site was reviewed in the past and were the conclusions that hazardous materials are located at the site from prior usages. The waiver mentions that all materials from the demo will be disposed of “outside of the Coastal Zone”, but does not indicated if those materials will require transport to a certified hazardous waste site for ultimate disposal.
(4) The project site (above-ground) is fully visible from the adjacent public roadway and from the Mt Soledad National Veterans Memorial. The view over the site from the roadway comprises the full panorama of La Jolla Shores, La Jolla Shores Beach (Kellogg Park) and Scripps Pier. The structures and fencing cannot be hidden from public view, thus please explain how it was determined for the waiver that there was no visual impact.
(5) What will be UCSD’s use of this site after the research period (one year).
Ms Delouri, thank you for following up on this and answers to these questions. Sincerely, Kathleen Neil
Agenda Item 7 – K-4 RESIDENCE, 7595 Hillside Drive
Please see the letter regarding the proposed project’s NON-PROTECTION of the adjacent property posted at: