The videoconference for the LJCPA meeting goes live around 5:30pm, so that participants can make sure their video and/or audio are working. The Chair calls the meeting to order at 6pm. Registration is necessary to attend the meeting: please visit for instructions. If you prefer not to identify yourself, please write to for instructions how to attend anonymously by phone.
This page contains links to the agenda for the meeting and materials applicants, their representatives, and interested parties submitted in connection with action items. There are no materials (beyond committee minutes) for Consent Agenda items.
Please note: Many items linked on this page are copyrighted by their creators, and are distributed or reproduced here solely for use by LJCPA and its committees in connection with community review on behalf of the City. Such materials may not be used or distributed further without explicit permission from the copyright holder.
If you have comments on these or other agenda items, please submit them using the “Reply” form at the foot of this page (following the list of recent comments).
- DPR 3/15:
- Trustees 5/5:
- DPR 5/17:
- Trustees 6/2:
- T&T 6/15:
- PRC 6/20:
- DPR 6/21:
Projects & Action Items
Consent Agenda (unless pulled)
- (pulled)
Street Promenade Avenida De La Playa (Emerson) T&T 6/15: APPROVE, 10-0-0 - 8445 Avenida de las Ondas (1050498, Morton) PRC 6/20: CAN, 4-0-1
- (pulled)
7310/7312 Fay Av (673278, Golba) DPR 6/21: CAN, 5-0-1
6710 La Jolla Blvd (696299, Neely)
(Process 4) CDP/VTM for a new 2-story multifamily building with 12 for-sale condominiums, 12 parking spaces below grade, located at 6710 La Jolla Bl. The 0.23-acre site is in the La Jolla Planned District 4, and Coastal Overlay (Non-Appealable) Zone, and Coastal Height Limit Overlay Zone within the La Jolla Community Plan area. Council District 1.
DPR 5/17: CAN, 4-1-1
- Updated plans:
- Partial section:
- Legal opinion:
- Window 45 degree overlay:
- Modified parapet:
- Letter of support:
- Original presentation:
- Assessment letter & cycle issues
- Applicant cover letter:
- Applicant response:
- Assessment letter:
- SDHC bonus conditions letter:
- Consultant response letters:
- Draft findings:
- Technical reports
- Water & fire:
- Sewer:
- Incentives & waivers:
- Geotechnical:
- Drainage:
- Letters of support
735 Nautilus (693284, Podeswik)
(Process 2) Coastal Development Permit to demolish existing single family residence and construct two new, two-story single family residences with basements that will include junior ADU’s within each unit at 735 Nautilus Street. The 0.15-acre site is located in the RM-1-1 Base Zone and Coastal (Non-Appealable) Overlay and Coastal Height Limit Overlay, and Parking Impact Zones within the La Jolla Community Plan and Council District 1.
DPR 3/15: CAN, 3-2-1; Trustees 5/5: CANNOT, 12-3-1
- Revised plans as submitted to City:
- Renderings
- Geo reports
- CAP form:
- Responses to City comments
- Hydro:
- Grading:
- (items reviewed at earlier meetings are available via the 5/5 Trustee meeting Materials page,
Entrance to La Jolla Sign (Wilson/Goodmen)
T&T Letter to CCC about Spaces as Places
Vendor Letters to Coastal Commission
- LJCPA draft:
- MB letter:
Review or Submit Comments
If you submit comments below, please identify the agenda item to which they relate. Once the moderator approves them, comments will be displayed publicly, including the name you provide.
Please be as brief as possible. At a regular meeting, comments would be limited to 2 spoken minutes; that translates to between 200 and 300 written words. Please do not include URLs or links, since they may cause your comment to be flagged as spam. At her or his sole discretion, LJCPA’s moderator will reject comments that are unrelated to agenda items, or that are offensive, ad hominem, or otherwise inappropriate to reasoned discussion of the matters at hand.
Item 5 6710 La Jolla Blvd (696299/Gravilla Townhomes, Neely)
I pulled the Development Permit Review Committee’s recommended approval of the Gravilla Townhomes project from last month’s Consent Agenda because the required Finding for a Coastal Development Permit that: The proposed coastal development is in conformity with the certified Local Coastal Program land use plan and complies with all regulations of the certified Implementation Program, cannot be made, because the project approved by the DPR Committee on May 17, 2022:
1. Exceeded the Maximum Allowed structure height by Plumb Line Measurement;
2. The Land Use Plan does not allow a Bonus increase in Floor Area Ratio;
3. The Project Exceeds the Maximum Allowed Gross Floor Area and Floor Area Ratio for the Zone;
4. The architect’s Gross Floor Area (GFA) calculations were erroneous and under represented the actual GFA;
5. A Horizontal trellis like Element Extended Outside the Street Facade Envelope;
6. No commercial /retail use as required by the Zone 4 requirements of the La Jolla Planned District Ordinance is proposed; and
7. No Variance requests have been submitted for the non-compliant code issues.
I am please to report that the architect has revised his drawings to address a number of the issues. However, a number of significant issues are still unresolved, and are described in detail in my Merten letter re: Gravilla 7-4-2022.pdf at:
Item 6 – 735 Nautilus Street
The required Finding for a Coastal Development Permit cannot be made because the project exceeds the maximum allowed structure height limit . Please see an in-depth explanation as to how the project exceeds the maximum structure height limit at:
To further illustrate the degree to which the proposed 735 NAUTILUS STREET project exceeds the 30 ft. maximum allowed structure height limit, please see my second letter dated May 3, 2022 at:
Item 6 – 735 Nautilus Street
The required Finding for a Coastal Development Permit cannot be made because the project exceeds the maximum allowed structure height limit. Please see an in-depth explanation as to how the project exceeds the maximum structure height limit at:
To further illustrate the degree to which the proposed 735 NAUTILUS STREET project exceeds the 30 ft. maximum allowed structure height limit, please see my second letter dated May 3, 2022 at:
To further illustrate the degree to which the proposed 735 NAUTILUS STREET project as depicted on the applicant’s latest revised drawings, exceeds the SDMC’s 30 ft. maximum plumb line structure height limit, please see my letter dated July 5, 2022 at:
Item 5 6710 La Jolla Blvd (696299/Gravilla Townhomes, Neely)
To expand on my previous letter of July 4, 2022 please, read the follow-up letter dated 7-6-2022 at: